

$help - Displays all the command

$help [command] - Displays more details regarding a specific command

$kick - Kick a member from your server - Usage: $kick <@mention> <reason> (if reason is missing it will automatically type "No reason given" as a reason) [Kicked member gets notified through DMs]

$ban - Ban a member from your server - Usage: $ban <@mention> <reason> (if reason is missing it will automatically type "No reason given" as a reason) [Banned member gets notified through DMs]

$softban - Bans and instantly unbans a member from your server (Acts like a kick but also deletes mentioned users messages) - Usage: $softban <@mention> <reason> (if reason is missing it will automatically type "No reason given" as a reason) [Softbanned member gets notified through DMs]

$unban - Unban a member from your server - Usage: $unban <ID> (If you don't know how to get an ID on discord, google it, I'll write a guide for it here in the future)

$lockdown - Locks a text channel so no one can type - Usage: $lockdown

$unlock - Unlocks a text channel, the channel must be locked in order to use this command - Usage: $unlock

$clear - Deletes a specific amount of messages in the chat - Usage: $clear <amount>


Exu bot
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